
Dedicated to everyone who relates

About Me

A woman who is navigating life backwards . Babies, marriage, and college in that order. SA survivor. Passionate about LGBTQIA, BLM, and pro choice .

A promise

My promise to KJs brother

I truly believe my son was sent down here for a purpose . I had my two girls and that was it, so I thought .

I think about KJ everyday, at some point during my day. What he would have looked like and how life would be with my son. Would he had favored me? Would he be a sour patch like my middle child? Or sweet with some sass like my oldest ? It’s hard to comprehend it’s been almost 4 years since I lost him.

Then I found out I was pregnant, the same month as KJ. Our son’s due date was 3 days before KJ. I had dreams of delivering what would be my son, and then it would alternate to KJ.

Then on 4/24/24, I had him. My precious Koda . I think his brother sent him, sent him to show me what I had been missing . Sent him to give me a sense of love I had been looking for.

So KJ, I promise I will take care of him. Through the nights I am sleep deprived and cannot function during the night and day I will figure out a way.

I promise to love him unconditionally . I will love him not just because he is my son, but he lives through you and is apart of our family on earth and in heaven .

I promise to guide him the right direction as I do your other siblings . To wish he is not like me but better . He will thrive and make something out of himself because he came here with a purpose .

I promise to be affectionate, everyday I will give him a kiss for him and a kiss for you. I will tell him I love him everyday and he will get to know not only what love is but feel it.

I realize he is a gift from an angel, he’s my angel and so are you. I’m far from perfect nor deserving, but somehow from heaven you’ve made mommas dreams come true.

Love you forever,

Moms of Angels

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